We have developed a certain know-how in matching profils with positions where job skills are in shortage or are inexistant.

It’s quite simple – we tailor our solutions to meet your needs. We like to take the time to work on finding you your human resources for the years to come.

We like to work in-depth with our clients to resolve their recruitment issues long term. We use various tools to do so, such as completing a recruitment audit to pinpoint the main blockages in recruiting and we do our best to adapt to the context of your company and to the demands of the job market. We work with you to plan for the skills and staff which you are likely to require or can also provide you with in situ sub contractors…

When we speak of jobs with inexistant skills, what do we mean exactly ?

What we means is that there are today jobs which require skills or qualifications which have become extremely rare, but which are nonetheless essential for certain businesses to develop their activities.

We like to think of ourselves as being pragmatic when it comes to finding solutions to meet the demands of today’s market. The truth is that today there is a growing, and it would seem lasting, imbalance in supply and demand in recruitment.


A survey on manpower requirements, completed in 2019 by the French Department of Work and Pensions, concluded that 50.1% of all recruitments were considered by buinesses as difficult. In 2018, it was 44,4 %.

Are you among the businesses which have won markets, but which lack the staff to meet the demand ? You’ve tried everything to recruit the appropriate staff – advertisements, recruitment agencies, temping agencies ? Pour recruter, vous avez tout essayé. Les annonces, les cabinets de recrutements, les agences d’intérim ? You have staff who have completed heir contracts, but don’t wish to stay on ? You have lost both time and money training them and have lost the skill set when they left ?

We have solutions to help you recruit for positions for which there is a recognised skills’ shortage.


2A Expert RH – Our Solutions

Finding the right skills and keeping them is a major challenge for many companies. We have developed specific know-how and experience in sourcing and managing recruitment for jobs where the skill set is difficult to find in today’s market.

We know that the lack of certain skills in the workplace has become a challenge for most sectors of the economy today. As a result, we decided to specialise in recruiting for positions where the skill set is in short supply.

We try to find innovative solutions and evaluation tools so as to reduce the risk of making mistakes.

As a specialist in recruiting for profiles where the skills are in shortage, we do more than simply find you the candidate, we choose to work with you with a view to finding lasting solutions so recruiting the right staff is no longer an issue in developing your activity.


Our approach can start with a « recruitment audit » to identify the causes of your difficulty in finding the staff required. There are potentially multiple reasons preventing you from recruiting the staff you need :

  • Analysis of your employment pool: do the profiles you need exist within your employment pool or do you need to source further afield?
  • Does your company’s social image enable you to attract the skills you need and to keep the staff long term?
  • Is the quality of work life in your company sufficient to enable you to attract new talents and keep them?
  • Have you developed a provisional skills and employment plan, which helps plan ahead for additional staff requirements?

Are the positions to be filled permanent or are they on a set contract basis?

Based on the results of your recruitment audit, we will suggest various solutions, which are specifically adapted to you and your environment.

  • We will work with you to create a forward management of skills and employment plan so as to anticipate your future needs and work long term to create a talent pool adapted to those needs (
  • gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences (lien vers la page GPEC)
  • We will accompany on your employer branding: the branding image of your company in terms of HR Management and recruitment.
  • We can set up professional job specific training programmes and recruit, on your behalf, the candidates to be trained.
  • We can source internationally to find the skills which are missing in your employment pool. We will accompany you not simply in finding the appropriate international candidates, but also in the various aspects related to their presence in your company (choice of contract, transfer of the staff, accommodation, negotiationof salaries and benefits and the administrative HR management of your staff via temping contracts).
  • With our insertion/handicap consultant, we can help you source in the various insertion/handicap networks.

For certain highly specific set term contracts, we can provide you with in situ sub-contracting solutions for sectors such as industry, industrial construction, carbon-free energy solutions (wind turbines, solar, nuclear…)

An evaluation of profiles, based not on the ususal psychological tests, but using gaming so as to reduce the risk of cheating with responses. We know just how much recruiting the wrong person can cost a company, which is why we pays so much attention to the quality of the candidates that we propose. What’s more, if you’d like to limit the risk even more, rather than charge you for a recruitment, we can employ the staff ourselves using our temping contracts, thus giving you even more flexibility.

A customised offer : not every recruitment needs the full 2A approach.

Depending on your situation and requirements, we can provide one or several of the services below :

  • Ad hoc recruitment
  • International sourcing
  • Temping contracts
  • Skills and Employment plans
  • Employer branding
  • Quality of work life
  • In situ sub-contracting
ingénieur grue mobile

Our added value : quality sourcing

We help you find candidates keen to remain in your company and who you would like to keep.

  • Are you looking to recruit welders, boiler makers, drapers or aeronautical engineers?
  • Do you need two carpenters specialised in the nautical sector and a gelcoat finisher?
  • You need to put together a team of sanders, scaffolders or watertight experts?
  • You are looking to build a team of professional seamstresses and you can’t find them?
  • We do not consider that our job is over once the contract has been signed with the candidate and he/she has taken his/her position. You can count on us beyond that, at every technical and operational stage of your activity. Our added value is in our guarantee to provide you with the exact same level of service at each and every stage of the recruitment process.

We know :

  • How to find the candidates
  • How to contact the candidates
  • How to attract the candidates

How to train them quickly so they meet with your specific needs.

We contribute to their stability


Help looking for accommodation


Help moving


Help enrolling for school

So, if you’re looking for candidates whose skills are scarce ?

Contact-us !