Recruiting for the textile industry

Textiles is a very specific sector of activity. Staff in this sector need to show great dexterity. Attention to detail is essential.

Are you having difficulty finding the necessary skills to fill positions in your business so you can meet your orders? When we apply our recruitment procedure, we are most attentive to studying all of the various aspects of the position(s) which you are looking to fill. We must find a solution. It is our job to find the candidates which are in such scarcity but which are essential to the development of your business. At 2A EXPERT RH, we are different to other HR agencies, recruiting for positions where the required skillset is missing from the market

Why choose us when recruiting in the textile industry?

The textile sector has destroyed its jobs over the past 40 years and in so doing it has also destroyed the skills required for the industry to function. Since 2017, there has been a surge in the creation of new positions, but there are no candidates with the necessary skills to fill these positions. Competent candidates have become more difficult to find.

The « Made in France », luxury and technical textiles are in growing demand: this sector needs qualified candidates. But they are not the only ones needing qualified staff, you do too!

To succeed in sourcing the right candidates for you, we like to take the time to get to know your business:

  • We provide the manpower to ensure the long-term staffing of your development.
  • We network – this is the most efficient means for us to source candidates.
  • We can provide you with full teams of staff, meaning you don’t need to waste time with selection processes.
  • We recruit with the support of experts from the textile industry, professionals with the skillset which is impossible to find in today’s market but which have been gained through careers in the textile industry.
  • We have ourselves recruited an international expert to help us source the candidates in countries with the necessary expertise but at a reasonable cost. Our policy is to look for candidates who want to set up home in the region where your business is and we also then help them with their move.

Our policy is to look for people who want to settle down. To do this, we help them to settle down.

Ce que nous faisons pour vous pour les métiers en tension

We also source locally, completing the training of candidates when required. And if need be, we look beyond our borders to find the necessary skills. 

What types of positions do you need to fill ?

  • Coupeur
  • Cutter
  • Seamstress
  • Warpers
  • Maintenance technicians
  • Product manager / Head of production

2A EXPERT RH is your HR partner as your business develops.

We set up an operational procedure:

  • Analysis of the positions, with a skills’ shortage, to be filled
  • HR Analysis of your company: do you have in-house training possibilities? Is your need for staff due to the conjuncture or due to your structural development?
  • Creation of a recruitment audit document which you validate
  • Discussions on our available candidates
  • Recruitment of skills which are in shortage, if they are not available internally (using social networks, schools, Embassy networks…)
  • Control of references.
  • Presentation of candidates.
  • Training when required.

Our difference: knowing how to recruit the right candidates for positions where the skills are scarce on the market and who will stay with your company. This is essential.

Do you share these values ? Would you like to experience working with us ?